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Shop Sharing

The new revolutionary concept of renting part of a commercial space to brands and creative businesses.

We’re firm believers in the power of collaboration that’s why we encourage Shop Sharing as the best way to reactivate new markets, create connections and work opportunities, share costs for a new business start, in this difficult period.

The benefits of sharing a space

  • For space manager

    Store owners from all over the world are using Shop Sharing to rent out rails, shelves,     and concessions to innovative brands, as a new way to earn rental income and create creative retail collaborations.

  • Test new products in your store without buying them

  • Offer your customers something always fresh and exciting

  • Rethink your space and manage it differently, unlocking further earning potential from it

  • List space
  • For brand/business

    Shop Sharing is the fastest and most cost effective way to get a product in front of customers. It is a business grow engine to increase sales, launch a new product, test a new location, or experiment with collaborations.

  • Take advantage of the store’s established footfall and marketing reach

  • Create a brand experience important for Pr and communication

  • Open a store for the time thats suits your budget, with no need to set-up or moving to manage instore selling. Send your products to the space owner and let him sell them for you

  • Search space

The shop sharing experience in a Christmas pop-up shop was really helpful for me and for my brand. I booked my pop-up corner easily trhough popuppens.com and sent my products to the shop: the manager took care of displaying and selling my products, perfectly! I'll surely make again an experience like this.

iellodesign - stationery brand

I often use the platform to book spaces in shops all over Eruope. I have a jewelry brand so it's very easy for me to find a little window space to display my collections. It really helps my  brand appeal and expansion. It allows me to test the city where my style is more appreciated and to earn many money fro the retail without leaving my lab! 

Myrtle Grey - jewelry

Ho un negozio di abbigliamento da circa 10 anni nel centro di Bologna e questa nuova possibilità di affittare delle porzioni dello spazio che ho a disposizione a brand sempre nuovi, è stata una vera ventata d'aria fresca per la mia attività! La clientela è entusiasta di scoprire ogni volta qualcosa di innovativo e artigianale con cui completare i propri look. Mi ha aiutato a migliorare le vendite dei miei capi di abbigliamento e a guadagnare entrate supplementari dallo spazio inutilizzato del mio negozio.

G. Valenti - shop manager

I have a boutique for woman and the chance to have in my stock always new accessories to show to my customers, without buying them, it's a really smart thing!

J. Thomson - boutique owner

from our magazine

Read latest news about Shop Sharing

26 june 2018

Piattini Davanguardia: artisans love pop-up events

25 july 2018

Anna F. makes her illustration travel the world

19 july 2018

La Cosmottega: promoting a beauty brand through temporary stores